White Papers
Linux on System z Whitepaper
Linux and Mainframe combination has made the enterprise computing environments more agile as well as cost effective. With robust virtualization capabilities, the combination equips organizations to meet the current IT challenges with availability, cost, power consumption, cooling, server sprawl, disaster recovery and more. Exploiting the strengths of Mainframe and keeping the openness of Linux OS, Linux on System z offers optimized IT solutions for enterprises. The combination helps enterprises to reduce the cost and complexity in Mainframe IT environments. In addition, Linux on System z enables adoption of a better cloud computing strategy in enterprises. Maintec Technologies, with experienced System Admins and in-house zLinux infrastructure, provide cost effective solutions in Linux on Mainframe platform.

Graveyard Shift Support Whitepaper
Global data driven enterprises rely on IBM mainframe systems to house their mission critical information. As Mainframe operations are the ‘heart and soul’ of IT departments in such organizations, it is imperative that these setups should run dynamically round the clock while remaining cost effective. The shortage of resources with required knowledge and skill levels in the Mainframe world is already a cause of concern, setting up a full-fledged team to work in second, third, weekend & holiday shifts and managing them has been a constant source of concern for CIOs and CTOs. Finding qualified and skilled resources within bounds of cost is the major challenge that enterprises are confronting now. Whitepaper will help you understand the savings potential by outsourcing Mainframe Hosting and Support for the second shift, third shift, the weekend and Holidays shift.

The Best of Goal Management with Workload Manager on z/OS
Maintec provides end-to-end Mainframe Hosting and Migration management services via our Global Command Center at Raleigh, NC, USA. Our team of experts have experience across technology platforms and we have structured the business with best in class tools and ITIL processes that delivers exceptional managed services on infrastructure and applications components using our global delivery model with a 24×7 support.
Our Mainframe Hosting solutions aim to handle your complex systems and resource challenges while driving down the costs. Rely on us for a full range of options while you plan to either just offload your Mainframe environment or also are in process of migrating to a new platform.