Let Us Manage Your Mainframe Environment & Start Your Modernization Initiatives
Let Us Manage Your Mainframe Environment & Start Your Modernization Initiatives

The Immortal Mainframe

In the course of recent decades, and with each new technology pattern, prognosticators have anticipated the end of the venerable mainframe. Such expectations fizzled, not on the grounds that the rising technology flopped; rather, forecasters overlooked the capacity of the mainframe to use technology progressions to just rethink the cutting edge mainframe. Predictions of the […]

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How can Mainframe Managed Services help in filling the IT Talent gap?

As organizations of all sizes become progressively dependant to data innovation, it’s a well-known fact that it’s getting to be increasingly hard to pull in and hold skilled IT professionals to keep all their systems and hardware up and running. Making the situation worse, business is ending up more data driven, software is winding up

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Mainframe Myths Busted

The mainframe’s unmatched execution and unwavering quality at scale make it the completely favored stage for enterprise systems-of-record. Furthermore, interest for those systems-of-record toward the back is being driven by consistently heightening application and analytic workloads on the front. That is the reason IBM announced a 200% year-over-year increment in mainframe MIPS sold last quarter and the

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Does Mainframes Matter in the Age of Cloud Computing? Yes!!

In the late 1950s, a new creature emerged in the world of computers which possessed greater processing capabilities than some of the former classes of the computers such as the servers, personal computers, workstations, and minicomputers. These were known as the “mainframes”; named after the bulky cabinets housing the central processing unit and main memory

Does Mainframes Matter in the Age of Cloud Computing? Yes!! Read More »


The modern mainframe offers unmatched security, cost savings, availability, reliability and reduced environmental impact in the data centre and as part of a multi-cloud environment. The total cost of operation is equal or less when compared to other platforms especially when you take Disaster Recovery into consideration. Saying the mainframes are dead is not completely



Healthcare is an industry where data plays a very important role, and so, by extension, are mainframes. Data of patients, billings, quality management, and thousands of insurance transaction takes place every hour of the day. Regulations such as HIPAA demand for proper security of these data, an area in which mainframe excels. The requirement to


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